Product Catalog
Why do they choose us
Extensive work experience, high-quality products and more
We manufacture glass by all standards
We apply the latest technologies and use in our operation high-speed glass-forming machines, allowing the manufacture of glass containers of different sizes and shapes.

About company
Today Krasnoye Echo LLC is one of the leaders within the Russian market for the manufacture of flint glass containers for foodstuff and beverages. Long history of work, accumulated experience and advanced technologies ensure the high quality of the glass packaging manufactured. The company's products are supplied to all regions of Russia, the CIS countries and the EU.
1875 - the year when the factory was founded.

About production
The enterprise is dynamically being developed and updated. Our manufacture is equipped with modern glass furnaces with an automated process control system at all stages, new generation high-speed glass-forming machines and a multilevel quality control system for manufactured products.
LLC Krasnoye Echo - 145 years of moving forward.

About exclusive packaging
We develop original designs so that our clients could highlight individuality and competitive advantages of their product in exclusive packaging. The latest equipment allows you to design and manufacture mould sets of any complexity. We have experience and production technology of exclusive glass containers with a special shape, pattern and capacity.
Krasnoye Echo - glass by all standards.

Main events
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Career in the company
We keep up with the times, constantly improving. One of the priority tasks of LLC Krasnoye Echo is attracting specialists who are talented, responsible, focused for the development and training.

Contact us
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